Namespace Sisk.Core.Http
- BrotliContent
Represents an HTTP content that is compressed using the Brotli algorithm.
- CompressedContent
Represents a base class for HTTP contents served over an compressing stream.
- DefaultMessagePage
Provides methods for creating informative static pages used by Sisk.
- DeflateContent
Represents an HTTP content that is compressed using the Deflate algorithm.
- ForwardingResolver
Provides HTTP forwarding resolving methods that can be used to resolving the client remote address, host and protocol of a proxy, load balancer or CDN, through the HTTP request.
- GZipContent
Represents an HTTP content that is compressed using the GZip algorithm.
- HtmlContent
Provides HTTP content based on HTML contents.
- HttpContext
Represents an context that is shared in a entire HTTP session.
- HttpKnownHeaderNames
Provides most of the most commonly known HTTP headers for constants.
- HttpRequest
Represents an HTTP request received by a Sisk server.
- HttpRequestException
Represents an exception that is thrown while a request is being interpreted by the HTTP server.
- HttpResponse
Represents an HTTP Response.
- HttpResponseExtensions
Provides useful extensions for HttpResponse objects.
- HttpServer
Provides an lightweight HTTP server powered by Sisk.
- HttpServerConfiguration
Provides execution parameters for an HttpServer.
- HttpServerExecutionResult
Represents the results of an request execution on the HTTP server.
- HttpServerFlags
Provides advanced fields for Sisk server behavior.
- ListeningHost
Provides a structure to contain the fields needed by an http server host.
- ListeningHostRepository
Represents an fluent repository of ListeningHost that can add, modify, or remove listening hosts while an HttpServer is running.
- LogStream
Provides a managed, asynchronous log writer which supports writing safe data to log files or text streams.
- RotatingLogPolicy
Provides a managed utility for rotating log files by their file size.
- HttpStatusInformation
Represents a structure that holds an HTTP response status information, with it's status code and description.
- ListeningPort
Provides a structure to contain a listener port for an ListeningHost instance.
- HttpServerExecutionStatus
Represents the status of an execution of a request on an HttpServer.
- RequestListenAction
Represents the HTTP server action when receiving an request.