Table of Contents

Class HttpResponseExtensions


Provides useful extensions for HttpResponse objects.

public static class HttpResponseExtensions
Inherited Members


WithContent<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, HttpContent)

Sets an HttpContent as the HTTP content body in this HttpResponse.

WithContent<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, string)

Sets an UTF-8 string as the HTTP response content in this HttpResponse.

WithContent<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, string, Encoding?, string)

Sets an string as the HTTP response content in this HttpResponse.

WithCookie<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, string, string, DateTime?, TimeSpan?, string?, string?, bool?, bool?, string?)

Sets a cookie and sends it in the response to be set by the client.

WithHeader<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, NameValueCollection)

Sets an list of HTTP headers in this HttpResponse.

WithHeader<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, string, string)

Sets an HTTP header in this HttpResponse.

WithStatus<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, in HttpStatusInformation)

Sets the HTTP status code of this HttpResponse.

WithStatus<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, int)

Sets the HTTP status code of this HttpResponse.

WithStatus<THttpResponse>(THttpResponse, HttpStatusCode)

Sets the HTTP status code of this HttpResponse.