Table of Contents

Class Router


Represents a collection of Route and main executor of actions in the HttpServer.

public sealed class Router
Inherited Members



Creates an new Router instance with default values.


Creates an new Router instance with given route collection.



Gets or sets the Router action exception handler. The response handler for this property will send an HTTP response to the client when an exception is caught during execution. This property is only called when ThrowExceptions is disabled.


Gets or sets whether this Router should check for possible routing collisions before starting the HTTP server.


Gets or sets the global requests handlers that will be executed in all matched routes.


Gets an boolean indicating where this Router is read-only or not.


Gets or sets whether this Router will match routes ignoring case.


Gets or sets the Router "405 Method Not Allowed" handler.


Gets or sets the Router "404 Not Found" handler.


Gets or sets the prefix which will be applied to all next defining routes in this router.


AutoScanModules(Type, Assembly)

Scans for all types that implements the specified module type and associates an instance of each type to the router.


Scans for all types that implements TModule and associates an instance of each type to the router. Note that, TModule must be an RouterModule type and an accessible constructor for each type must be present.


Scans for all types that implements TModule and associates an instance of each type to the router. Note that, TModule must be an RouterModule type and an accessible constructor for each type must be present.


Gets all routes defined on this router instance.


Gets an defined Route by their name property.

GetRouteFromPath(RouteMethod, string)

Gets the first matched Route by their HTTP method and path.


Gets the first matched Route by their URL path.

IsDefined(RouteMethod, string)

Gets an boolean indicating if there are any route that matches the specified method and route path.

MapAny(string, RouteAction)

Maps an route which matches any HTTP method, using the specified path and action function.

MapDelete(string, RouteAction)

Maps an DELETE route using the specified path and action function.

MapGet(string, RouteAction)

Maps an GET route using the specified path and action function.

MapPatch(string, RouteAction)

Maps an PATCH route using the specified path and action function.

MapPost(string, RouteAction)

Maps an POST route using the specified path and action function.

MapPut(string, RouteAction)

Maps an PUT route using the specified path and action function.


Register an type handling association to converting it to an HttpResponse object.


Resolves the specified object into an valid HttpResponse using the defined value handlers or throws an exception if not possible.

Rewrite(string, string)

Maps a rewrite route, which redirects all requests that match the given path to another path, keeping the body and headers of the original request.


Searches for all instance and static methods that are marked with an attribute of type RouteAttribute in the specified object and creates routes for these methods.


Searches for all instance and static methods that are marked with an attribute of type RouteAttribute in the specified object and creates routes for these methods.

SetObject(Type, object)

Searches for all instance and static methods that are marked with an attribute of type RouteAttribute in the specified object and creates routes for these methods.


Searches for all instance and static methods that are marked with an attribute of type RouteAttribute in the specified object and creates routes for these methods.


Searches for all instance and static methods that are marked with an attribute of type RouteAttribute in the specified object and creates routes for these methods.


Defines an route in this Router instance.

SetRoute(RouteMethod, string, RouteAction)

Defines an route with their method, path and action function.

SetRoute(RouteMethod, string, RouteAction, string?, IRequestHandler[])

Defines an route with their method, path, action function, name and request handlers.

SetRoute(RouteMethod, string, Delegate)

Defines an route with their method, path and action function.

SetRoute(RouteMethod, string, Delegate, string?)

Defines an route with their method, path, action function and name.

TryResolveActionResult(object?, out HttpResponse?)

Tries to resolve the specified object into an valid HttpResponse using the defined value handlers.


operator +(Router, Route)

Defines an route to an router.