Table of Contents

Constructor ListeningPort



Creates an new ListeningPort instance with default parameters.

public ListeningPort()


Creates an new ListeningPort instance with the specified port at the loopback host.

public ListeningPort(ushort port)


port ushort

The port the server will listen on. If this port is the default HTTPS port (443), the class will have the property Secure to true.

ListeningPort(ushort, bool)

Creates an new ListeningPort instance with the specified port and secure context at the loopback host.

public ListeningPort(ushort port, bool secure)


port ushort

The port the server will listen on.

secure bool

Indicates whether the server should listen to this port securely (SSL).

ListeningPort(bool, string, ushort)

Creates an new ListeningPort instance with the specified port, secure context and hostname.

public ListeningPort(bool secure, string hostname, ushort port)


secure bool

Indicates whether the server should listen to this port securely (SSL).

hostname string

The hostname DNS pattern the server will listen to.

port ushort

The port the server will listen on.

ListeningPort(bool, string, ushort, string)

Creates an new ListeningPort instance with the specified port, secure context, hostname and path.

public ListeningPort(bool secure, string hostname, ushort port, string path)


secure bool

Indicates whether the server should listen to this port securely (SSL).

hostname string

The hostname DNS pattern the server will listen to.

port ushort

The port the server will listen on.

path string

The prefix path.


Creates an new ListeningPort instance with the specified URI.

public ListeningPort(string uri)


uri string

The URI component that will be parsed to the listening port format.